2H Media

Let Our Work Speak For Itself

Helping businesses grow faster through harmonious branding, web development, media, & marketing

Our Work

Helping Businesses Scale Online

We strive to build long-term client relationships by fostering transparency and harboring open communication. Our results-driven approach starts with developing an understanding of client needs. We're proud to showcase key projects:

2h media team filming bcgw staff at city hall
BCGW Video Testimonials >

Helping Business Centre Guelph-Wellington share their success and engage their audience through high-value videos.

Hash Salon and Spa Entrance
Hush Salon & Spa Refresh >

Enhance your natural beauty.

Ecommerce Web Development Branding Photography Videography
Sprintpoint - Design - Sprintpoint Resources in Use
Sprintpoint >

Strategy Tools For Growing Businesses

Ecommerce Web Development Branding Education Videography
Cannabis 45 >

The Facts or Nothing

Branding Digital Advertising Videography
running through the praries
The Montreal Runners >

Best foot forward.

Web Development Branding Digital Advertising Videography
Ready to get started?
519-835-3009[email protected]